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"Deep tissue"

One of my newer clients had come in for a deep tissue massage. I always ask my clients to let me know if the pressure is too much, or not enough... which hardly ever happens... :) But none the less, this client had had deep tissue before and liked the "pain" (smiles) of receiving said massage.

"I've always had deep tissue massages and know what to expect!" says this with yet another smile... Now, I lovingly tell everyone that "I hurt people for a living," which is not as easily swallowed by most, but I like to be funny... so... I work with my client for an hour. wonderful session, very enlightening for both my client and myself. As we are wrapping things up and I am talking with her about her next session she smiles... and this is what she says...

"I have had massages for over 30 years, and in all my time I have never had such a wonderful, deep massage, quite like that. You are, without a doubt, the best massage therapist that has ever laid their hands on this old withered body"...(queue a huge smile and laughter) "you are a very gifted healer. I will most definitely be back for another massage. You love what you do and it definitely shows."

I was absolutely filled with pride and yet some what embarrassed, though I'm not sure why. I do love what I do and love my clients and I do know that it shows.

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